illumynt is proud to publish its second annual sustainability report to highlight the progress made during the calendar year 2023. During this time, our internal Green Team established itself as core to illumynt’s operations and worked throughout the past year to identify, track and report new sustainability-informed initiatives. As a result, we were able to drive operational changes that are bringing benefits across the triple bottom line of planet, people, and profit.
In addition to our established goals, the Green Team’s efforts have brought increased focus and awareness to more areas of our business, helping establish new goals for 2024. For example, shifts have already been made to reuse packaging and to make more sustainable choices in the procurement and use of packing materials. These practices have already reduced waste, while saving thousands of dollars.
Part of illumynt’s explicit mission is to maximize sustainability outcomes for its customers, partners, and its own operations. To that end, the illumynt Green Team has aligned its initiatives with several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
- Climate Action
- Good Health and Wellbeing
- Gender Equity
- Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- Responsible Consumption and Production
In addition to the SDG’s, the Green Team has also begun incorporating many of the topics included in the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) sustainability reporting standards, with an eye toward being able to publish a GRI index in the coming years.
Looking at the big picture, the illumynt 2024 Sustainability Report reflects how our goals align with these SDG goals, pursuing and embedding sustainability values throughout the organization. The result is we have identified new ways the company can take climate action, which has already resulted in:
- A shift to using more renewable energy, thus reducing our Scope 2 emissions.
- Driving innovation in Scope 3 avoided emissions reporting to help hold our industry accountable for choices we make.
- Furthering gender equity across the organization through trainings, among other things.
Because the lens of sustainability includes such topics as worker health and safety, ethics, diversity and inclusion, sustainable procurement, waste avoidance and energy conservation, the Green Team helps create and deploy policies that drive these values into the very DNA of the organization. The illumynt Sustainability Report 2024 doesn’t capture all that illumynt is doing to further sustainability, but it does capture the formal goals and progress from 2023 and puts a stake in the ground for the work that’s happening right now, to be reported on next year.
illumynt is committed to furthering sustainability, continuously improving its operations and services, and to be an organization that truly walks the walk leading by example. Please join in celebrating our second year of formal reporting.
View the illumynt corporate sustainability report.
Be sure to read my continuing blog series as I discuss all things related to sustainable electronics.